
Information management is the data is processed and ready to serve the management of the organization. There are 3 types of information management in an organization, it’s strategic information, tactical information, and information management.

Strategic information is the information used for long-term policy of the organization, primarily serving senior managers in predicting the future. This type of information requires an overview, a high sum. Data to handle the kind of information often from outside the organization. This type of information is provided in special cases.

Tactical information: information is used for short-term policies, mainly catering for department managers in the organization. This type of information needed while still identifiable synthesis requires the most detailed level of statistical format. This type of information should be provided periodically.

Operating Information: (operational information) used for the daily operating organization and mainly serves to monitor the operation of the organization. This type of information required details, drawn from the processing of data within the organization. This type of information should be provided regularly

A management information system is well-structured design of four subsystems, such as the internal recording systems, intelligence systems, systems research and decision support systems.

Internal recording system: Make sure to provide current data, many organizations have developed the internal recording system that uses advanced computer can provide information faster and more complete.

Intelligence Systems: Gives managers the information daily, ongoing situation on the evolution of the external environment.

Research information system: Collect information related to a specific problem posed before the organization, characteristics of the study good news is there are scientific methods, using a variety of methods, building model, the ratio of costs / benefits of the value of information.

Decision support systems: including statistical methods and models to support decisions of managers issued more informed decisions.